Late Posting: All I'll Ever Say About Bono & Drugs

Andrew Pottenger ([email protected])
Wed, 16 Dec 1998 11:42:43 PST

I'm not so much surprised at the rumor itself as to supposed "fans'"
reaction to it. I can't believe people are saying "Who cares? Just keep
putting out music and do whatever in private." If I've never heard such
crap before I'm hearing it on this list. How can you be so selfish? If
someone was blindly walking into the path of an oncoming car, would you
say "well, it's their life. They'd consider it an invasion of privacy if
I got involved." How stupid is that? And you try to sound so noble and
"modern" when you say that, that's probably what's really sick.

All the evidence against Bono being on drugs has already been posted
several times, so I don't need to go into that again. But for those of
you who just want U2 to keep putting out music, regardless of their
private lives, think how big of an ass you're being.

And whoever did that impersonation of Bono on here the other day did a
darn good job if they WEREN'T Bono.


"I can't believe the [rumors] today."

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