Observation (re: Wire Awards)

Katrina Daniels ([email protected])
Mon, 14 Dec 1998 18:07:15 -0600

This is not a flame.... This is not ridicule.... This is just an observation.

I write this because I've kind I kind of drifted away from Wire for the
past several months, and now that I've started reading it again, I find
myself surrounded by unfamiliar faces...er...names.

Last year, when I was faithfully reading this mailing list, names like
U2isABLE, Brad "Bad Ass" Grantham, Bob Reck, Elena, and Aingeal regularly
appeared on Darci's reflector site. Now, I'm surround by names like J,
*Faraway So Close*, and MISS PATRICIAL M. HEFFNER, and I feel just like I
did when I first entered the world of Wire. It's interesting how each year
brings a new group -- I wonder who next year will bring.

But hey, what do I care? We all share this one common bond -- this one
band that we love, and it doesn't matter who we are or what mailing list(s)
we belong to. We are related in that way.

So, hi, my name is Katrina Daniels -- Nice to meet you. I'll just sit back
in my own little world for right now, and if I find out anything
interesting/useful, you can be sure I'll let this list -- and any other
mailing lists I belong to (which includes Exit, btw) -- know all I know.



"Work like you don't need the money; Love like you've never been hurt; And
dance like no one is watching." --Bono, U2

email: [email protected]
homepage: http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Stage/5559

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