U2: Irish or British?

MISS PATRICIA M HEFNER ([email protected])
Mon, 14 Dec 1998 08:35:45, -0500

-- [ From: Patricia Hefner * EMC.Ver #2.5.3 ] --

I'm from the States, so some might think I'm venturing into unchartered
territory....plus, this question is a historian's nightmare. It's
potentially an explosive question, but here goes. Being Protestant in
Ireland doesn't necessarily mean that you're descended from English
settlers. Some Irish Protestants are descended from converts from
Catholicism. Some are descended from Scottish settlers. There have been
numerous settlers in Ireland--you can go back to the Vikings in the
eighth century---but they have mostly intermarried with the natives and
assimilated into Irish culture in the Republic.So you can find settlers
in just about any Irish person's ancestry if you go back far enough..
Northern Ireland, of course, is a completely different situation as per
settlers and religion are concerned, and I'm not getting into that, no


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