* FarawaySoClose * ([email protected])
Sat, 12 Dec 1998 07:57:26 PST
Lee wrote:
>ever notice how when someone comes up with an idea for their own
>mailing list, half the people on Wire jump down their throats....
From what I've read on WIRE I dont believe your "idea" for a new list
was in question, it was more the way you managed to insult WIRE and EXIT
in one shot. You gonna make a new list, go ahead, but dont expect people
to recieve it well when you call WIRE "immature" and Exit "too picky".
As well as that your whole "new" (which actually aint so revolutionary)
concept is so hypocrticial anyway....complaining that Exit is picky and
then declaring that your list will be "monitored" and that any flamers
will be "booted" from the list. Something about that just reeks of
The fact you think the couple of CONSTRCUTIVE posts that just happen
to disagree with the you were flames suggests to me that your definition
of a good flaming isnt all that based in reality.
Your idea isn't a new one, there are like a billion U2 mailing lists
about (more's the pity)...and I'm on three of them. To my knowledge
WIRELINGS dont 'have a cow' at the mention of yet another new mailing
list, its all a bit old hat by now. Exit cops some flack because you
have to be invited to join (which I personally don't like the idea
of...but thats just my opinion) but I don't recall any broohaha-ing when
Boy-Girl started, for example.
Get over it,
Keira (aka FarawaySoClose)
ICQ #6767463
It's A U2*Life!!! http://members.tripod.com/~U2_rocks/U2.html
Sparky The Spoon Boys Webring
Ever notice that when someone's ideas aren't being well receieved they
start to get all stroppy??
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