Re: Re: goodbye wire

* FarawaySoClose * ([email protected])
Thu, 10 Dec 1998 00:05:58 PST

WIREWORLD! (I wanted to post this yesterday...but I was past my limit
   LMAO Milli Vanilli!!??!!
 Just a small point.....I said 99.9% of *arguments* were stupid, not
99.9% of posts....just a teeny difference there, oh and also I said
*WIRE* didn't affect my listening of U2...and unless somthin happened in
the universe while I was busy laughing my arse off over your reply, WIRE
does not make up all of the "external forces" music could be impared
 Cant get over the Milli Vanilli remark!
Keira (aka FarawaySoClose)
ICQ #6767463
It's A U2*Life!!!
Sparky The Spoon Boys Webring
"Who really needs these pissy pop stars, whens there's not enough of me"
-Gavin Friday.

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