Citroen Xan-U2-tia?

Ariston Eschaton ([email protected])
Wed, 09 Dec 1998 19:14:33 +0000

achtung y'owl!

From: elmo <[email protected]>
>ariston - you are truly hilarious!!
>more posts please.

naturally. :) stay tuned.. :)
sorry to all my fans - hope ya missed me. :) more posts
on their way. :)
been looking for a car.. unsuccessfully though - the one that i decided on
(Emerald Metallic Green 1995 Citroen Xantia SX 1.9TD) got bought
about 30 MINUTES before i was able to.

GITS! i hate them all. now im going to have to start my search

anyway - this aint a citroen (plug plug plug) forum, so i shall
stop mentioning citroen (PLUUUGGG) cars now.

oops, there i go, mentioning citroens again. (DOH!)

happy citroen day (DOH! ARG!) hehehehe..

oh, and while im at it: i wish i hadnt missed this one:


From: elmo <[email protected]>
Subject: go on!! skip it!

>>I urge each and everyone who reads wire to consider
>>Christ as the one and only example for living. He is our pattern and
>>the way to eternal life. Bono claims to be a Christian, and I pray that
>>he is. Please consider these Bible passages...

this is prime-candidate for Ariston's Reply Button.. heheh..

anyway - not impressed with jeeeeeeeeesus anyway.

1) Satan throws the best parties.
2) Satan doesnt have a bouncer on the gates
3) Satan aint choosy about who gets in the party.
4) Come one, come all! Masochists, hang your hat HERE!
5) Jesus' club has a damp problem, what with clouds and all.
   plus the music's crap there, i hear. I shudder to think what
   "Lemon" sounds like on a bloody HARP...
6) Big coctail gathering i hear around armageddon, 3:30 in the afternoon.
   (Lucifer requests that all applicants form an orderly queue).

.. just wish i caught the original post.. :) hehehe lol..

Achtung Y'Owl!                          : Call Dial-An-Owl:1-800-OWL-4-YOU
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 /||_   / |  ||  ||  |__||  ||__||__|   : Alleen Uilen maken het  mogelijk
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