Pride: Who is the man.....?

Red Chief ([email protected])
Tue, 08 Dec 1998 15:50:52 GMT


Help needed please,

We all know that PRIDE is dedicated to Martin Luther King, and the
following verse from the song specifically refers to MLK:

"Early morning, April 4
Shot rings out in the Memphis sky
Free at last, they took your life
They could not take your pride"

However, in the earlier verses the references are either generic or to
someone else, not MLK:

"One man caught on a barbed wire fence
One man he resist
One man washed on an empty beach
One man betrayed with a kiss"

The last line of the above verse obviously refers to Jesus and his
betrayal by Judas, but who is the man on the beach, or the man on a
barbed wire fence?

Does anybody know? Just interested.


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