MessierFan#11 ([email protected])
Sat, 5 Dec 1998 01:26:39 -0500 (EST)
About this whole Bono-addict thing, everyone knows Bono drinks. Wow. So do
I. It's his choice, and you may not like it, but there is not anything you
can really do. You can try to tell him to quit, but it is highly unlikely
he will. As for drugs, maybe he does, maybe he doesn't, but regardless,
Bono is a terrific person. Not only as a singer but for what he does for
mankind. Instead of prying into his private life and starting rumors which
may not be true, stand with him in his fight for human rights, or help out
in Greenpeace. I'm sure he'd appreciate that more. ;)
Don't forget, my contest is still running. For the questions, look at my
web page, or if you want I can email you the questions. You can win a U2
bootleg (or "unreleased album") :)
Hugs, hockey pucks, and lemons,
"Love is blindness..."
visit my web pages: U2 and a link to my PJ page can be found at:
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