Karine Maucourt ([email protected])
Fri, 04 Dec 1998 12:40 +0100 (MET)
To answer to Rose's question, i also think only/mostly U2fans can
prefer Bono as the cuter man of the band. I mean, if you can look at them
without a fanlook (i say, if you can ! ;-) ) it's obvious Larry is the
cutest or the sexiest man of the band, you can ask to every non-U2fans. And
it's why media gave this "James Dean look" fame to Larry. However, the
choice of the more beautiful man is a personal choice. I've met U2fans who
think Adam is the best one ! As far as i'm concerned, i can't even choose
one of them ! ;-) They're all cute for different reasons to me.
In the name of love
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