oh, please....stop this drug stuff

MISS PATRICIA M HEFNER ([email protected])
Tue, 1 Dec 1998 09:49:13, -0500

-- [ From: Patricia Hefner * EMC.Ver #2.5.3 ] --

We could talk about this drug controversy forever and we wouldn't know
anything that we already don't know. Maybe, maybe not, maybe, maybe not.
........it's entirely possible that they tried drugs, but both Bono and
Edge are such workaholics that I can't believe that they'd go through
two albums, a tour, and a movie in two years and goof off with drugs at
the same time. Many rock stars during the '80's were not workaholics,
and they did party, party, party......you just can't say "they all did
it" and apply that to an entire industry. I'll stop before I feel like
I'm working for the "National Enquirer"!! :-) Please, this is "Wire",
not the "National Enquirer" or some other sleazy tabloid. I don't want
newcomers to feel like they've come to the wrong site or listserver!! :-


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