Rashas Weber (AnCatDubh@webtv.net)
Tue, 1 Dec 1998 00:09:55 -0800 (PST)
Darlin', if it weren't for the Beatles, most of the brilliant bands we
have today wouldn't be around. Never, ever underestimate the influence
those four men had on music. Bono calls them one of the great groups;
and we all agree the man has incredible taste. You must have completely
run out of rational arguments if you've resorted to dissing the Beatles;
it's pretty pathetic. LOL! I think some music history classes would do
you a world of good.
And gee, weren't the Beatles #1 on VH1's Top 100 of All Time? Chosen by
fellow musicians who obviously have no trouble paying homage? Even U2
would place the Beatles above themselves and Bono pretty much idolized
Lennon. I've passionately loved U2's music for close to two decades now,
and it's an extremely tight race, but sorry, nothing beats "Revolver"
and "Sgt. Pepper."
Rashas W.
(Calm, cool, collected...until someone pushes THE button that sets her
off, i.e. pitting her two very favorite bands against each other)
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