I hate too.......

Tue, 01 Dec 1998 01:42:38 -0400 (EDT)

Just a quick observation.

        There is no such thing as a casual drug user....it is a myth, I
can assure you of that. Whatever U2 did/do is there own choice. If they
choose to do, or did drugs, what say do we have in it (except that it is
our money which buys it)? Even that does not give us a say in their
actions. As the old saying goes (anyone who is in AA knows this) "Accept
the things we cannot change..." Well, we cannot change them, whatever they
do, so you either accept it, or move on.

On a more positive note, a whole bunch of my friends have bought the
Greatest Hits CD because I recommended it to them, and they keep hearing
U2 through me. I think the GH CD was a good idea on U2's part to attract
new fans.

By the way. I was gone for a week. What was that quote in the U2news that
said that if this latest album was crap they would pack it in. Was that


Nick Swogger


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