Why I idolize U2

[email protected]
Mon, 30 Nov 1998 17:01:32 -0600 (CST)

Well, maybe I don't exactly "idolize" them but they kinda are the center of my
life. I do realize however that they are not gods and they are not perfect. And
they never said they were. Kinda ties in neatly with the "Is Bono on drugs
discussion" that's been going on and that I find very disturbing. No, I don't
want any of those stories to be true. I want to prefer to believe that him and
his little friends stay as far away from that junk as possible. But then, if
they don't...

That's not why I posted here today. Why do I find them so inspiring? Why are
they so special to me? They have dared to do things few others have. they took
unpopular ideas and rode them to the top without a doubt in their minds of
success. Faith. Hope. Love. That's what they're about, as Megan signs off her
postings. Bono has faith, the kind of no questions asked, do with me what you
will kind of faith that I wish I shared. But I don't. I'm all fears and
doubts. His implicit faith helps me believe that everything will be alright.
U2 does not distract us with an illusion of "having fun" or whatever as most
other bands do and what our society seems to be based on. They realize this is
hard stuff, living. That you get hurt, that people get killed, that things
aren't fair. But in spite of everything, keep believing because "it's alright"
in the end, "sisters, brothers." They never wallow in despair. Youthful, joyous
optimism that's necessary if you wanna live free of the prison despair can and
does become.

At the heart of everything they have done rests the "greatest of these"...
LOVE. Everything is done for love. They preach (and Bono does preach but
that's not a bad thing as some critics will have the public believe) love. And
love, not in the narrow, Hollywood sense, but love that's universal, in all its
forms. I love that! How energizing! How real! How could ya listen to anything

Bono is not perfect, but he's still my sweet little Irish angel because of all
these things and the courage it took to let the world hear these ideas and
stand beside them, even if it wasn't the "cool" thing to do in the early 80s.
Whatever he may have done or now does, in no way diminishes his and his band's
merits. Was he being hypocritical? Was he lying all the time? No one can sing
the way he does and not mean it one little bit! Sidebar! Sorry. Anyway, though
he has his faults and may have others I don't know about nor want to know
about, he has TRIED. People, the man's tried to make things better, to do the
right thing. Something few in our cynical, uncaring, cold world can say. trying
is better than doing nothing at all. And that's why I love U2. They gave it
their best shot. Four little Irish school boys from North Dublin who nobody
gave a chance to went out and made a difference, changing the world one
believing fan at a time.

Inspiring! I just wish Bono and friends would take care of their health better.
We need them around.

Peace and Love to ya all,



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