U2 Puzzle @ The U2 Attraction

PopMartian ([email protected])
Sun, 29 Nov 1998 13:21:22 -0700

The puzzle is updated again. It's a fairly easy one. Keep sending
those pics in!
        Something new about the MP3's... starting next update, I will be
updating them twice a week to the best of my ability. Just thought I'd
let you all know!

Have fun!
Fraser The PopMartian

                             __    __  ________
       Visit PopMartian's   / /   / / /_____  /   Attraction!
	        Get Some   / /   / / ______/ /   MP3's!
               Play The   / /   / / / ______/   Puzzle!
	        Deform 	 / /___/ / / /_____    Pictures!
             Official   /_______/ /_______/   Affiliate Edmonton!		 

--- http://www.connect.ab.ca/~bak ---

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