Timothy Travis (clubexit@geocities.com)
Tue, 24 Nov 1998 22:58:36 -0500
When War came out, I read a review of the album, and based on the review
went to a local record shop and bought the tape. I popped it into my tape
player and heard the first beats of Sunday Bloody Sunday. I was very
impressed, but then Seconds started. That did it. I have never before or
since been captured so quickly by a band, but the raw emotion of War was
just what I was looking for at that time in my life.
The next day I went back to the record shop and bought Boy, October, some
12" singles (including one titled "U2-3"). Boy (especially I Will Follow)
made me a permanent U2-phile.
Timothy Travis
Club Exit eZine
"He said he was an artist, but he really painted billboards...."
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