Childhood U2 related memory....

* FarawaySoClose * ([email protected])
Tue, 24 Nov 1998 14:35:55 PST


  One of my earliest U2 memories is New Years Eve 1989 (I was 10). My
family was at a friends New Years party, and I came down with a migraine
and got suddenly very sick. To help me fall asleep while in a strange
bed during a loud party my mother found a copy of Rattle and Hum,
because we listened to it alot at home, and put it on for me. As a child
who suffered alot from migraines it was really great to have something
like R&H that worked when painkillers didnt.

Keira (aka FarawaySoClose)

It's A U2*Life!!!
Sarky The Spoon Boys Webring

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