Childhood Memories/ 1st U2 song

Calgary J Martin ([email protected])
Tue, 24 Nov 1998 12:33:50 -0400 (EDT)

Ahhhh, gosh, this is the perfect thread. I'm new and this seems to
be an appropriate first post on the list for me, I think. ; )

Let's see...considering I'm only 17, I could either have been a
recent U2 convert or just as easily could have been listening to U2
my whole life, since the band is about 5 or so years older than I
am...: ) I was pretty much raised on the band and remember driving
to the ocean (off the coast of my home state, WA) with my mother
when I was about 5 or 6, listening to the Joshua Tree. I really
loved the band and my mother would always catch me singing to that
"Finding what I'm looking for song" (I was five, all right? hehe),
even though I pretended to hate the boys because U2 was my mother's
favorite band at the time, so it had to have been "geezer music"
(although, she WAS only 30...haha). We always argued over who was
cuter, Bono (mother's choice....we named our blue parakeet "Bono"),
or Larry (my choice because I was immature and constantly drawn to
blonde hair. heh). So, I have this sort of hidden love affair
with U2 until I turn about 9 and AB comes out. Omigod. I was in
love with "One". I watched the bar version of the video with such
fascination. I remember being so freaking excited every time Bono
does that little smirk thing near the end, that wistful little
smile. Ahhhh, yeah. Anyway, Mother buys AB (cassette, of course;
this was 1990) and we listened to it in the car every morning. She
always rewound the "Horses" (once again, I was usually too
impatient to get the actual title down) song for me because I
worshipped it...years go by, I buy Zooropa as a birthday present
for Mom, discover that Bono really IS the most beautiful man alive
(HELLO! He's GOD, for crying out loud. God with horns on ; ), and
have been absolutely insanely obsessed with my boys for a good
eight years now. I've loved then for what...12? but now it's
BAD...I'm crazy. I remember getting "U2: at the End of the World"
in 9th grade and reading it secretly during classes because I was

Anyway, this was one, big, huge paragraph and I should be ashamed
because I'm a writer and I'm sure my grammar and structure was
terrible, BUT...ahhhh, well. I love this list. It's awesome. I'm
suddenly inspired to go back to my dorm and listen to, off
I go...

lv, Callie.

" to fly the crimson sky/ the sun won't melt our wings
tonight./ Take me higher..."

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