PATTY CULLITON ([email protected])
Sun, 22 Nov 1998 08:46:35, -0500
Peril Eyes - you have more crust than a pie factory.
Though your reasoning is sound and some of what you say even makes
sense -- *on the surface* - it's *all* *immaterial*. Patrick can,
will and should be able to continue doing whatever he pleases. But
let's get past the superficial -- You're just sore because you got
I don't know if you are or not, but I hope you realize that from the
note that you posted early yeterday - you present yourself like a
mental case. The fact that you would try to ream and discredit
someone publicly because they didn't do what *you personally* want
them to do, for *your personal* gain, is just ridiculous.
Tell me, are you one of those stalker types? You know - the ones
where they ask someone out on a date and if they get rejected by the
askee they recoil back to their bedroom to plot some way of getting
back at the person who spurned them? You know, an "I'll show him/her
for saying NO to *me*."
Because that sure is the kind of person you made yourself look like
yesterday. Oh - and at least Patrick is honest enough to use his
real account and his real name - and not hide behind a hotmail
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