I give you....the TRUTH!

Chris Brown ([email protected])
Sat, 21 Nov 1998 14:48:23 -0600

    I just read that U2 is in fact collaborating with the one and only
Marilyn Manson on their next album. Yes, and that's not all, George
Harrison is going to replace Edge as U2's guitarist. Apparently the Edge is
addicted to "whip-its". Tragic...I know, but not as tragic as the news that
Bono is divorcing Ali to marry not one but two of the Spice Girls! And
apparently the Popmart Video contains hidden footage (only able to be viewed
if you remove all the tape by hand and place it back in the cassette
backwards) of Larry talking about how much he hates Adam's hair. I'm going
to go out today and buy me a copy. Oh yeah, and apparently Island IS going
to let U2 go but only if they change their name to Me3. So I can't wait
until the Me3 album comes out, I hear they are going to be getting away from
the AB-Zooropa-Pop stuff and maybe going way back to their roots and doing
some yodeling. I hear Jewel guests on a few of the tracks. And on the tour
they will have those guys from the Riccola commercial that blow those big
horns on the mountaintops of Switzerland.

Digest this slowly...

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