Elizabeth Platt ([email protected])
Wed, 18 Nov 1998 17:41:53 -0800 (PST)
> From: "pocket lint" <[email protected]>
> Hey guys, how goes everything? I was listening to the best of album all
> week, and I'm finding that no matter what I never get tired of 'Where The
> Streets Have No Name'. So I'd like to get your feedback on this, for those
> of you who heard the first single from The Joshua Tree (with or without you)
> and then bought the album, what were your feelings as you heard Streets for
> the first time. I mean did you sense that you were in the presence of
> greatness?
I dunno about the "presence of greatness"--I've never had an awe-struck
view of U2, you know--but I do recall thinking, "This one is a natural for
the opening song on the tour..." Nice to be right once and a while! ;-)
By the way, I can't listen to the edited versions of the song--that one
needs the full intro/outro for the right feel...
>How many repeats did it take you before you were able to move on
Oh, a few, at least...actually, I began to play the album through, end to
end, but found myself picking up the needle and re-playing selected songs
as I went along...After a while, I began to *laugh*, because the whole
thing was so ridiculously good. (And yes, I had heard more songs that
just "With or Without You"--some stations had advance copies of the album,
and other tracks were getting airplay by then.) Of course, this was all
tempered by the sense that all hell was about to break loose over U2, that
they were being tapped as the "next big thing" in rock music, and that
everything was going to change, for better or for worse...
> And even for those that heard streets when it was finally
> released to radio, did that give you no other choice but to run out and buy
> the album?
Too late, I bought it on the day of release...bought it on my lunch hour,
and I do recall having to sort of "explain" it to a number of co-workers,
who were all a bit astonished at the level of U2 hype that broke out over
the following weeks...
Elizabeth Platt
[email protected]
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