A Couple Requests

U2Fan ([email protected])
Sun, 15 Nov 1998 22:29:03 -0500

Evenin' Everyone,

I have a couple things I'm desperately looking for and I'm hoping someone
can help me out.

1. Trip Through Your Wires Interview from US Radio '87
2. Rockline Interview from this past Monday night.

If you have either of these on either Minidisc or CD-R I'll be your best
friend for life and send you tons of really cool stuff!! Well, maybe not
tons, but how does two U2 shows of your choice on CD-R sound? I'll send you
two shows for each of these if you have both! The only stipulation is I
need excellent sound quality.

If you have them on tape, and you can dub them in very high quality I'm also
interested. As part of the deal, I will also send you a remastered copy of
each show on CD-R once I'm finished with them. (If you only send me one
show, and I manage to get both, I'll send you remastered copies of both when
I'm done!)

I'm really looking for the best recordings of each show I can find (no radio
fades or excessive hiss would be a bonus!) I realize the Trip Through Your
Wires show is getting old now and these recordings will be starting to
decripitate, but that's all the more reason to get this awesome interview
transferred to CD-R.

I used to have Trip Through Your Wires on tape, but it melted on my rear car

If you have either of these shows in really good quality and would like to
benefit from your good fortune, please email me!


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