* FarawaySoClose * ([email protected])
Sun, 15 Nov 1998 13:57:08 PST
The Best Of is still #1 this week on the Aussie charts, above the
George Micheal Best Of and the new Alanis M album. WOOHOO! Sweetest
Thing is steady at #10 :o).
Why does WIRE rock? WIRELINGS of course! How great is it to be part of
a community, 4000+ strong, all who are as psycho (at least as far as U2
is concerned), if not more so, as me? lol.
Keira (aka FarawaySoClose)
ICQ #6767463
It's A U2*Life!!! http://members.tripod.com/~U2_rocks/U2.html
Sparky The Spoon Boys Webring
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