Andrew Briscoe ([email protected])
Sat, 14 Nov 1998 13:54:44 +1100 (EST)
Cat's previous Danny Best related post
( was
designed to retract some of the possibly untrue or defamatory statements
regarding the man. That retraction naturally still stands.
This post, then, is designed to reiterate the warnings, the stuff that we
CAN hold Mr Best to. It's U2 related? It sure is, all U2 traders or
purchasers out there deserve to know this guy's story - seeing as he won't
tell it to anyone. There's a lot of people waiting for Australian Tour
So - get your legal pens ready.
Firstly, regarding Ebay. We're glad that those other "Daniel"s from
Norwood have agreed to send some goods to those that have paid. Mr Best
must have had a word to them...
Oh, but now a little "blast from the past"...taken directly from Danny's
post to WIRE on the 23rd of June
"this has resulted in numerous emails [from polygram] and several nasty
phone calls - these calls are still coming which is the main reason I do
not answer my mobile right now. when I do change the number, I will again
post it."
Well, you haven't changed it, - if you have, why haven't you posted it? -
but it is still your voice I (AB) hear when I ring 0417 874 764 (I feel
comfortable posting this as you have done so on wire in the past), and you
do not return calls. So why still leave it off? Polygram leaving you alone
now? funny...Even if you left it on voice mail, you could have returned
calls couldn't you? Or are Polygram tapping your phone too?
To quote again...
"Let me say right here right now, that everyone will get their CDs, and
they will get them sooner rather than later. all I ask is that they be
patient and understand the situation I am doing the best I can".
Well that's great. I'm sure most customers were expecting the CDs to take
around 4 to 5 years, so to have them "sooner" than that is fantastic.
OK. We've been patient. But how can we understand? what is there to
understand? YOU have told your customers NOTHING since that post, the
only ones who have heard are those that have mailed YOU - and even those
that HAVE received a reply when they've done this are few and far between.
I do believe one of us was promised a mail "early in the week", ie LAST
Why are we doing the chasing Danny? As has been said privately, we don't
care whose fault it is, your supplier's, your own or your budgie's. We
dealt with YOU. YOU accepted our money. Now YOU deliver - Our CDs, or
our money. It doesn't make sense that you should make US wait for YOU
again, in the form of "you will get your CDs, just be patient." Funny how
when we ordered you were working on a 5 day turnaround...not a 6 month
one. Wow. there were too many capitals in that paragraph.
Finally, as we been informed by Mr Best, it isn't good practice to
"defame" without evidence. That is why the previous post of retraction
It is also the reason why Tim Both should expect a similar mail from Mr
Best regarding Danny's post to wire in June:
For those not wishing to read it, we'll paraphrase. Danny openly named Tim
Both, a respected and RELIABLE tape and video trader and seller, as
"dobbing him in" to Polygram (a claim that *could* also be disputed by
using subsequent posts confirming that "Polygram would not go after an
Danny had no concrete evidence to this effect, in the same way the world
has seen no evidence that Danny was actually "dobbed in" at all. The
cynical set of Mr Best's customers could assume that this was a front to
delay the delivery, or indeed to avoid it all together, but that is not
for us to judge - these are but a sample of the opinions of the customers
out there.
Danny tried and convicted Tim with no more evidence than his own opinion -
no more evidence than he told Cath she had in her initial post, a fact
that earned him a retraction.
With a history of repeated lies ("your CDs are sent", "you will receive
your goods by wednesday" "I will mail you early next week" etc) Danny
should garner little support. So Mr Best, you know Tim's email by now...
send the man an apology to match ours. Or better still, post it to Wire
for the world to see.
Oh, but remember to send it to Tim first for approval - what's good for
you is good for Tim...
So maybe we are "in each other's pockets". It makes a change from you
being in ours. Our back ones.
Sorry to air dirty laundry in public, but the number of traders and
purchasers out there deserve to know about the people that owe them goods.
Thanks for your time WIRE. Hi Deanne.
Andrew (Briscoe) and Cathy (Offler)
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