
Ariston Eschaton ([email protected])
Tue, 10 Nov 1998 11:46:37 +0000

achtung y'owl!

From: "Trueman, Mark" <[email protected]>

>When will people stop trying to charge $20 plus for a cdr copy of
>something. The cd-rs cost about $1 each and the time taken to create the
>images to press onto cd is very small (it can take a couple of hours to
>produce a cd image that can be used to write hundreds of cd's)
>We need to stop these ripoff merchants

well - it all depends on the definition of "time taken", imo.
if they are just copying a CD from the source to the CDR, then
the "time taken" should be almost negligible, ie: not being able to
use their PC or CDROM drive for about 25 minutes - the effort required
is near zero, imo - all the hard work is done.

however - if songs have been processed, altered, re-mastered, or whatever
that usually requires some time (i have taken HOURS just to get one song just
"so" on occasion, although i havent burned any CDRs though).

so if a lot of work has gone into creating the songs themselves then i dont think
i would mind paying a small "fee" on top - i bought a set of 5 CDRs from a friend
of mine in Northampton (hi jon, if yer out there hehe).. who MP3'ed stack loads
of stuff. theres no way i could be arsed to rip all the tracks of CD and do it
myself (i didnt have some of the material anyway! hehe) - so i didnt mind paying
over the cost of 5 CDRs.

like i said - it depends on the definition of "time taken". :)

catcha :)

Achtung Y'Owl!                          : Call Dial-An-Owl:1-800-OWL-4-YOU
    __     __         __  __  __  __ tm : Only Owls  Make It Possible (tm)
 /||_   / |  ||  ||  |__||  ||__||__|   : Alleen Uilen maken het  mogelijk
/_||__ /  |__||/\||__|  \|__||   |  |   : Nur   Oelen   machen    moeglich

This archive was generated by hypermail 2.0b2 on Tue Nov 10 1998 - 03:49:50 PST edit)
Lemon (lemonade edit)
Lemon (album version)
lemon (lemonade version)

all is fine and well, until you go to play track 1. still everything appears ok,
and the song plays as normal until it gets to something like (from memory) 1:40
from the end of the track. they shortened the song by removing some of that synthy
instrumental that is on the album version. I havent got a problem with that..
editing's fine - except it does need to be done PROPERLY - is: so that i couldnt
spot the edit. its stark blindingly obvious where the edit is - theres a slight
click where the 2 waveforms that were brought together obviously didnt quite match.

grrr.. :) dont panic though - i did it myself and fixed the thing. now there's no
click - except i have to play the MP3 i did to hear the no-click version! heheheh

anyway - went off on a major tangent there , so im gonna bugger off. :) catcha!

Achtung Y'Owl!                          : Call Dial-An-Owl:1-800-OWL-4-YOU
    __     __         __  __  __  __ tm : Only Owls  Make It Possible (tm)
 /||_   / |  ||  ||  |__||  ||__||__|   : Alleen Uilen maken het  mogelijk
/_||__ /  |__||/\||__|  \|__||   |  |   : Nur   Oelen   machen    moeglich

This archive was generated by hypermail 2.0b2 on Tue Nov 10 1998 - 03:49:50 PST