@#$ U2 MP3's @ The U2 Attraction $#@ Sorry...

PopMartian ([email protected])
Tue, 27 Oct 1998 19:04:03 -0700

Some of you may have attempted to download these files earlier today.
They didn't work though, did they? I'm terribly sorry about that. I
exceeded my webspace on one of my accounts. I fixed the problem by
getting another account and placing the extra MP3 file there.
Everything should be working now! Thanks for your patience! And while
you're there, try the puzzle!

Have fun!
Fraser The PopMartian

                             __    __  ________
       Visit PopMartian's   / /   / / /_____  /   Attraction!
	        Get Some   / /   / / ______/ /   MP3's!
               Play The   / /   / / / ______/   Puzzle!
	        Deform 	 / /___/ / / /_____    Pictures!
             Official   /_______/ /_______/   Affiliate Edmonton!		 


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