top 10 albums of 90's (i know it's time to stop but...)

Irina Bibina ([email protected])
Sun, 25 Oct 1998 06:09:14 -0800 (PST)

I guess everyone is getting sick of this thread and I swore to myself
I wouldn't post about it but I just can't help it, so here are my
picks for the top ten releases of the 90's-- in no particular order
and really just my favorites. :)

Achtung Baby U2
Zooropa U2
Pop U2
Automatic For The People R.E.M.
Under The Table And Dreaming Dave Matthews Band
Ten Pearl Jam
Odelay Beck
Little Earthquakes/Under The Pink/Boys For Pele/From The Choirgirl
Hotel (choose one or more :) ) Tori Amos
Dummy Portishead
Mezzanine Massive Attack
Maxinquaye/Pre-Millenium Tension Tricky

 --yes I know it's 11!! ;) Just couldn't omit that last crazy guy. ;)

Have fun!

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