Who needs bathrooms? ([email protected])
Fri, 23 Oct 1998 18:22:43 -0600
Got a question for U2? allstar's sister site Rocktropolis, in
with The Album Network, is looking for a few good questions to pose to
for an interview special on Wednesday (Oct. 28) from Ireland.
Fans should submit questions with their phone number of where they'll
between 1-3 p.m. (EST) on Oct. 28. The show will air on radio stations
nationwide on Nov. 10.
Submissions are due Tuesday (Oct. 27) at noon (EST). Fans will be
that night if their question is chosen.
The address to submit is:
-- Prarit....[email protected] U2 news: http://www.members.home.net/u2-news/u2.html
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