Re: Nico on U2 on Geraldo/NukeNoodls

R.D. Mauzy ([email protected])
Wed, 21 Oct 1998 23:00:38 PDT

Paul Andersen said:
>Having heard some of Geraldo's boots and seen some of NukeNoodls'
>videos, in my opinion they were charging a lot of money for something
>that wasn't very good.

I don't know anything about Geraldo's boots, so I can't really say
anything about what he was doing...

But I _DO_ know that what Chris (NukeNoodls) was doing was probably the
best thing anyone has ever done for U2 boot collectors. The fact is, is
that not too many Zoo TV shows were caught on video, and those that were
are of questionable quality. More Zooropa shows were filmed, BUT they're
all from so bleeding far away, it's hard to tell heads from tales half
the time.

Chris ventured to change all that with this tour. He personally captured
20 or so shows using extremely high tech gear, used monopods to ensure a
stable picture, and kept upgrading his equippment as the tour
progressed. Out of all those, only a handful of those were videoed by
other people too, which means most of the shows he recorded would have
not been captured for our enjoyment at all had it not been for him.

He also copied his tapes with very high quality vcrs to ensure top notch
dubs for every one on nothing less than the best high grade videos.

So, he flew himself around the world, bought expensive equippment for
good video, more expensive equippment for terrific dubs, and had a
'customer service' policy that no one could possibly beat (ie: No one
finished business with him feeling cheated, ripped off, or otherwise
unhappy). All that for less than $20 a tape ?

I dare you to find an audience shot video better than ones chris filmed.


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