* FarawaySoClose * ([email protected])
Wed, 21 Oct 1998 01:13:01 PDT
PoPbOoTs wrote:
>One question to prove some points. WHO THE HELL is Nico?!?!
Well, Nico is the person who was generous enough to GIVE away (not
sell or auction) her extra copies of the radio promo version of Sweetest
Thing in a competition....and give a copy to EVERYONE that entered, not
just a "winner". Nico is the wireling who is more than happy to share
any information that comes her way through her work, and as a result
WIRE knew alot of details about the Best Of and Sweetest Thing releases
very early. Nico is kind enough to share her U2 experiences with
us.....in short, NICO IS A STAR!
Any Questions?
Keira (aka FarawaySoClose)
ICQ #6767463
It's A U2*Life!!! http://members.tripod.com/~U2_rocks/U2.html
Sparky The Spoon Boys Webring
"Who really needs these pissy pop stars, whens there's not enough of me"
-Gavin Friday
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