Re: Everything you know IS wrong.

Paul Andersen ([email protected])
Sun, 18 Oct 1998 16:37:19 -0700

All I can honestly say about the arrest of Gen. Augusto Pinochet is: IT'S

       "General Pinochet: tell these mothers...tell them...where are their
children?" Bono -Santiago - 2.11.98

The propaganda spewed forth by one "Poptart" earlier today is the biggest
load of bollocks I've read in a long time.

But no need for me to go on at length about it here. Simply use the vast
resources of the Internet to make up your mind:

Yahoo! Full Coverage: Pinochet Arrested in London
Amnesty International's Reports on Chile
25 Years After Allende: The Nation
Human Rights in Chile: Then and Now

Why was Pinochet arrested in England?
"Any State party to the United Nations Convention Against Torture and Other
Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, is obliged under
Article 6 of the Convention to take into custody or take other legal
measures to ensure the presence of any person within its territory who has
been alleged to have committed torture or an act which constitutes
complicity or participation in torture. " -- Amnesty International

What Happened in Chile?
"The types of repression used in Chile by the military regime included:
arbitrary arrest, imprisonment, torture, forced disappearances, summary
executions, collective executions, the negation of the right to appeal War
Council sentences, homicide, exile, internal exile, abduction,
intimidation, attempted homicide, death treats, raids, dismissal from jobs
and surveillance. Such treatment violated the following rights: the right
to life, the right to personal integrity, the right to personal liberty,
the right to personal security and the right to live in one's country. "
DeRechos Chile


"See their tears in the rainfall...."

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