Re: Sweetest Thing Video-- Another opinion

Robbie Robinson ([email protected])
Fri, 16 Oct 1998 10:20:40 -0700

Heidi Dutton wrote:
> >I couldn't believe the post from Lisa about the "Sweetest Thing"
> >video. I must be the only U2 fan in the world, who hasn't seen
> >it, but have heard there's a lot of Bono coverage. Perfect!
> >Can you possibly NOT want to see HIM on yourscreen? Can't get
> >enough of him.

> I'm going to jump into the fray on this topic and take Lisa's side:
> It's not a "great" video. Before you flame me to cinders, think
> about this- I love the video, WE love the video; we would be
> perfectly content to see U2 on TV in any capacity, 24 hrs a day.
> We want to look at them and hear them, we are thrilled that the
> video is being shown. I am too. BUT - will a non U2-fanatic think
> it's a great video? I'm thinking no. There's no great
> cinematography, no technique, no cool tricks involved. There's
> nothing that will get it nominated for a music video award. There's
> no art. (unless the lack of art IS the art, but that's another
> debate) I don't think this video will draw any new people to the
> music and band that are U2 - and they have the chance to do that
> with every video.
> So yes - I can say I like it, because I love staring at Bono (I DO!!)
> but at the same time...Joe Schmoe in Anytown, USA, who is neutral on
> the subject of U2, is probably going to go get himself a beer or go
> to the bathroom when it comes on. And I think that's unfortunate -
> Kevin Godley is very talented, and they were not exactly on a low
> budget, so what the heck happened..?
> At least I don't loathe it like I do the LNOE video...yecchhhh!!!
> I don't believe either video is going to help U2 toward receiving
> that Video Vanguard Award some day.
>Just looking at it through a non-fan's eyes, though I certainly don't
>quality as a non-fan in *any* respect,

Hi ya,

I was just thinking that U2 aren't that interested in videos.
I seem to remember them not being too thrilled about having
to take the time to do them. I've never heard of them taking
more than one day to film their parts and after that they
let somebody else do the work on them and didn't object to
the finished prdoduct as long as they like it, which doesn't
necessarly mean that it's something that would attract non-fans.
They're always making them while they're busy recording,
in the mist of getting the tour together or while they're
in the middle of the tour and busy with a thousand other
I think they view them as a bit throw-away.
I've always got the feeling that it was just something they
did because it was expected by the record companies that they
make this ad (what videos really are, basically) for the
single (which is sort of an ad for the album).
They certainly don't seem to put their whole heart and effort
into it like they do with the albums and planning the tours.
I don't think they care about the MTV Video Vanguard
award. I know I've never considered them of any importance
and never make any effort to watch them unless some band
I *really* like is on it and then the channel is switched
once that band is finished. It's a piece of fluff just like
the rest of MTV.
There are some bands that won't make videos although the
only one that comes to mind right now is Pearl Jam.
(However, I recently read that their record company
finally bullied them into making one for the next


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