<>u2 lemon express<>

khufu ([email protected])
Fri, 16 Oct 1998 21:37:40 -0400

wire limits the topic of discussion to all things u2, "not
that there is anything wrong with that". but now there is
an alternative, should you choose to accept the assignment.
a u2 mailing list where u2 fans can also discuss *tangent topics*,
the ones on wire that seem to annoy some people. if you ever got
the reply "what's it got to do with u2" in relation to your wire
post, or if you ever got kicked off a u2 mailing list for being
opinionated, you may be interested in <>u2 lemon express<>, as it's
also a place where sarcasm and cynicism have a home. it's not a
substitute for wire, just a supplement to it.

to learn more go to:


<>long live lemonites<>


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