wire's significance

Uldis Lielauss (uldis@balta-eko.lv)
Wed, 14 Oct 1998 11:20:11 +0300

I follow up all your postings and start to think about wire's significance. Lot of postings comes with trade, sale cd's, vhs's etc. It seems like a market, shop or club where You can buy,sell or change goods.

Other part of posts comes with "I like this last ST" "what did he said.." or "who saw the last video..."

My opinion is, that it's too much postings without meaning are going through this wire. I would like to see postings with emocions(I try to explain, but my terrible english don't give words what I want to say, i hope You understand me) and deeper meaning or posts about life.

Of course, there are fantastic posts, too. I like that the wire is. I just describe what I think.


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