Sarajevo contest

[email protected]
Sun, 11 Oct 1998 04:19:45 EDT

Hi here is the answer to the Sarajevo give away.
I just like these question cause they made fun of BP FALLON, who asked the

What did Adam, Bono, Larry The Edge answer to these questions:
 Did you ever think you were going to die?Answer:
 Larry: Yes, only on the back of Bono's motorbike!
 Edge: Only on the back of Bono's motorbike.
 Adam: Only in the back of Bono's car.
 Bono: Die, no. Squashed, yes.
What is the most frightening thing that ever happened to you?
 Edge: Breaking up with my wife.
 Larry: Being born.
 Adam: Bunji Jumping.
 Bono: I found this pair of sunglasses, I picked them up. I put them on
Do you ever have nightmares and about what?
 Larry: Yes. About You
 Adam: Not when I'm asleep.
 Edge: Rarely. About albums and touring and guitar overdubs and ...
 Bono: Yes. About BP Fallon running after me.
A girl namesd Laura won

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