[email protected]
Sat, 10 Oct 1998 20:11:06 EDT
Get a life and quit being so petty, vindictive, and outright stupid. You seem
to like slagging me and Zooropean on ICQ (yes, people send me copies of what
you say) and your venom is not welcome here.
Your lies and attempts to muddy people are childish, and this is the sort of
thing that has soiled Wire for many people! You post something and suddenly
some people give it more credence than if they heard it around the water
You don't like ~Anna/Aingeal...fine....but why post your personal venom here?
I have heard both sides and knowing both parties, I tend to believe her more.
That is my opinion.
You don't like Zooropean? FINE. I couldn't care less what your opinion is. But
don't post here and chat in ICQ about how Bono slags us off, anyone that has
met the guys knows they rise above all this petty crap, they do not slam fans
or fanzines. Your lies are old and have no merit, especially when I and others
hear different straight from the horse's mouth! Your personal vendetta against
Zooropean is old and nobody cares. same with your interactions with other
Your comments were below the belt (typical) and unnecessary.
If you want to respond to me, I will be in Rotterdam on November 1 if you want
to discuss it in detail.
I think your overblown ego needs to be deflated and let reality set in.
Sorry for the rant....we now return to your normally scheduled program...
Dream Out Loud....never let the bastards grind you down...
Zooropean magazine
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