Not flames, just sparks |-)

JASON GILL ([email protected])
Fri, 09 Oct 1998 08:58:47 -0600

GuTTeN CRaPPen, Who wrote that NON-English post yesterday?!? (Rule #6 people!)

I would just like to personally thank all of you who have stopped posting every time you hear ST98 on the radio. We've all heard it. (Maybe everyone who hasn't will now start posting every day until they do)

In my opinion, a real U2 fan is anyone who hears a U2 song playing and either thinks to himself or yells out loud (or even dreams out loud), THIS SONG RULES!!!! even if they don't own a single U2 affiliated object (although according to a few of you, all things are related to U2 in some way or another.)

I pre-ordered my ST98 UK single from AB-CD yesterday along with a U2 clock, and the 1999 calender. Simon, thanks for the tip.


"Smell the flowers, while you can"

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