Zucchero quotations about Bono

Pierluigi Marchetti ([email protected])
Fri, 9 Oct 1998 01:41:18 -0700

In an interview with Italian Corriere Della Sera, Zucchero said the title
Blu/Blue for his new single was decided by Bono, who didn't know anyway Blu
is also Zucchero's child name (8 months old). In Paris (during soccer World
Cup, in July) Bono gave Zucchero the final lyrics for the song. Zucchero had
explained Bono his idea of a track full of hope, of rainy skies changing to
blue the day after. Italian version (written by Pasquale Panella, a well
known lyricist in Italy) has a more powerful erotic meaning, it's more
sensual. The photo for the Blu/Blue single cover was taken by Anton Corbijn.


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