Modsavage contest

Karine Maucourt ([email protected])
Thu, 08 Oct 1998 14:08 +0100 (MET)

                                Hi you all !

    First to say to you i'm happy i've guessed the birthdate of Modsavage ;-)

        More seriously, i have a few remarks to make about his contest. I'm
curious to know what was the score of Michelle. Congrats to you, Michelle !
I didn't know all the answers, so i thought i won't be the winner but this
kind of contest can learn me some interesting things about U2. And i would
like to know which rank i reached in this contest.

        However, i think this contest was a little biaised because some of
the answers could only be found on US interviews (like those from L.A.
Times), so you all can understand it's harder for the non US wirelings to
know them. Just think about a contest i can make with questions about the
french shows for instance. Not sure many Us people could answer to these
ones ;-) BTW, i think it was undeliberate from Modsavage who, i suppose, is
US (aol e-mail).

        And i don't care if Modsavage will be pleased or not with this
following, but here are some thoughts about some Modsavage questions and
answers, for those who are interested.
        First, i didn't forget his rules and i'll answer to his next contest
;-) but i just want to point out he can make mistakes like everybody. I
don't want you (who participated to the contest) to believe blindly all his
answers. And as it seems i'm not the only one who disagrees with him, i
think this can interest many fans here. So, let's go.
For the question 59, i have an interview (not an US one) which have another
answer to this question.
For the question 57, Modsavage forgot Tomorrow (read Into the heart) and
also seems not to know Bono said himself Mofo was about his own life and not
about his mother (sorry, french interview, not an US one).
For the question 51, Bono said himself (in a french interview, sorry again)
The Fly shows him himself, so The Fly can't be an anti-Bono. Don't forget
Bono's speech about the mask which reveals the man. I mean, the mask can't
be anti-the man as it reveals the truth about the man. And it's very clear
about Bono/The Fly. If you want the french interview where Bono explains it
very well, i can type, translate and send it to you.
For question 35, Modsavage typed it bad. The song is "Macarena" and not
"Macrerena". LOL !

        PS: if one of you wants to know the french interviews i'm talking
about above, feel free to ask.

        In the name of love


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