Karine Maucourt ([email protected])
Thu, 08 Oct 1998 13:35 +0100 (MET)
J wrote:
>U2 makes more and more songs as the albums go on to the point that
>they didn't have enough "concert time" to put in a cover song because
>even they couldn't cover all their "key" hits in a 2 hour show.
Just thinking about the bands i know who usually play more than 2
hours, i mean 2h30, 3 h and even more sometimes (rarely ;-) ). For instance,
for the international bands i know it's the case of Bruce Springteen and The
Cures. BTW, i don't know why U2 can't/wouldn't play more. Maybe someone here
has an idea ?
>They even had to "alter" their setlist towards teh end of the tour to
>drop the karaoke and include SBS and Bad (with snippets of All I Want
>Is You instead of the full All I Want Is You).
Maybe J doesn't know U2 themselves said they changed the setlist
from time to time to avoid being tired of their "playing".
In the name of love
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