Deseree Stukes ([email protected])
Mon, 5 Oct 1998 10:24:46 -0400
October 6
Pop-Up Video (U2's Lemon), VH1 -- 4:00 pm EDT
Simpson 200th episode on German TV "Pro 7"
Title: "Die sich im Dreck waelzten"
further info at
Also, several Pop-Ups featuring Stay and ISHFWILF have been added to the
Calendar at for next week.
Also, i caught the very last part of MTV News 1515 this weekend and they
mentioned that there would be a story on Alanis Morriessette and more on
U2. Did anybody else catch it?
You know it's really neat to be sitting at your computer with the window
open at home and then hear blasting from your neighbor's, the entire
Joshua Tree album.
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