Edge interviewed for NME: No "drive" / "cradle to the cross" and a cheese-butty

Aoife Heaney ([email protected])
Wed, 30 Sep 1998 13:54:38 PDT


I don't know if this has been mentioned before but I was just listening
to "Across the Line" (Ulster radio show) and Stuart Baille, who writes
for Hotpress magazine, was on talking about an interview he did with The
Edge this week about the up and coming Greatest Hits album for the NME.

A few interesting things, first Edge said that

1. the rumours about "DRIVE" being the title for the next album is

2. The "Cradle to the Cross" song doesn't exist


3. He said that recently he has been spending a lot of his time checking
out the U2 sites on the internet and having a good 'ol laugh at all the

so there ye go just a wee bit of info.



PS. That point 3 is making me think that perhaps Edge is one of those
rumour-mongorers himself....hmmmm.....

pps. Edge had a cheese-butty for his lunch during the interview and he
picked up the bill too.......aaaaaaawwwwwww ;)

ppps. Gene Kelly ROCKS

"Back home everyone said I didn't have any talent. They might be saying
the same thing over here but it sounds better in French."-- Gene Kelly
as Jerry Mulligan in AN AMERICAN IN PARIS.

"He that sups with the devil must have a long spoon."-- Gene Kelly as
E.K. Hornbeck in INHERIT THE WIND.

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