? About Virgin Prunes song

R.D. Mauzy ([email protected])
Sun, 27 Sep 1998 02:39:47 PDT

So I heard a Virgin Prunes song called "The Blues Song," and in it it
has the refrain,
"Show me the way to go home,
I'm tired and I want to go to bed
I had a little drink about an hour ago
and It's gone right to my head."

Okay, when MacPhisto sang that bit during Zoo TV in Sydney, it sounded
like the whole audience joined in... so what's it from ? I doubt the
whole Sydney football stadium had heard this virgin prunes song, so I
wanted to know if it was a cover, or if they stole that refrain.

Also of note, the song also includes the lines:
"Sunshine's east,
Sunshine's west,
But I know where it sunshine's best."

Please, shed some light on this for me :)
Email me at mailto:[email protected]

Thank you --R.D.

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