Bono Snippet in Spin Magazine

[email protected]
Sat, 26 Sep 1998 23:15:06 EDT

Bono makes a fleeting appearance in the latest (October) Spin magazine. Pages
64 and 65 have a little flowchart illustration entitled:


Rock stars: Has the ongoing infatuation with effeminate trappings left you
confused about your gender? Or perhaps, has it even left you feeling confused
as to which calculatedly sexually ambiguous-yet-still-mas-macho rock star you
are? If so, let this reference guide show you the way.

(The last questions that lead to Mr. Bono:)

Q. Are you Irish and therefore inherently masculine?
A. Yes.
Q. Are you secretly convinced that you single-handedly brought back gold lame?
A. Yes. You must be Bono! (little photo of MacPhisto)

Oh, and was that a snip of Hawkmoon 269 on ABC's new show "Cupid" I just

Erin kathleen

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 La musique souvent me prend comme une mer!
      - Charles Baudelaire
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