Sat, 26 Sep 1998 14:38:23 EDT
this is NOT what the cover of the Best Of looks like....sounds like what one
of the POP promo posters looked like..but this seems to be an attempt from a
Bootlegger to release a Best Of....
<<It's not out yet, so what you saw was probably an advance copy
sent out to some jerk critic or radio station that only like
plays Neil Diamond. If it *was* an advance copy, that might/
not be the final cover art they decide on.
its NOT an advance copy of the Best Of..and to let U know the price should be
AROUND $24.99 for the limited edition set which has the b-sides disc and
AROUND $16.99 or so for the 1 cd of just the Best Of.....
and to reiterate...that is NOT what the Best Of cover artwork looks like....
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