(no subject)

U2World Paul ([email protected])
Wed, 23 Sep 1998 18:28:33 PDT

to, too , two are all very different yet they are pronounced the same
so fagget and faggot are different in the word "too" if you substitute
the "o" for a "w" its a differnt word. in the word "faggot" if you
substitute the "o" for a "e" then it is a different word so sounding. so
your analagy for saying "nigher" doesnt mean anything.
so we established that the word fagget is now a slang so lets get that
out of the fire. i said " that fagget is evil" (nevermind the "hatred in
it just look at the structure) but if i did it your way i'd say "that
dumb is evil" or "that stupid is evil" then i would just be flamed for
grammer like i always do.

enough of this.


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