[email protected]
Tue, 22 Sep 1998 15:28:34 -0500
Did I miss something? I thought what Elizabeth Platt posted was an opinion
piece written by someone else (Michael O'Toole?) in an Irish newspaper.
Didn't she say she was forwarding it from someone in one of her newsgroups
& apologized for not being able to provide the name of the newspaper?
If I've taken your reply the wrong way Stephen McBride, forgive me, but you
seem to be attacking Elizabeth personally for the opinions expressed in
this piece. Whether she agrees with them or not, which is not clear, they
are not *her* words, so picking it all apart & throwing the words back in
her face whilst making snide remarks like "it's Elizabeth Platt safe &
sound in the good old U.S. of A." seems kind of silly.
I probably should not interject myself into the middle of something like
this; after all, I enjoy watching a good game of "catch-the-flaming-e-mail"
just as much as the next person. And I'm sure Elizabeth is perfectly
capable of defending herself. However, it might be a good idea to get the
facts straight on *who* exactly is saying what before launching your next
verbal attack.
[email protected]
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