Who needs bathrooms? ([email protected])
Mon, 21 Sep 1998 20:30:22 -0600
The Sweetest Thing Video Shoot
Song: The Sweetest Thing, originally released as a B-side to
"Where The Streets Have No Names" in 1987, and then re-recorded
in July-August 1998. The new version will also appear on the "Best
of U2: 1980 - 1990" to be released November 3, 1998.
Release Date: October 19, 1998 (Source: Polygram)
Video Shoot Details:
- features Ali Hewson and Paul "Bono" Hewson together in a
carriage travelling around Dublin. Following them in an open top
1970's Mercedes are Larry Mullen, The Edge, and Adam Clayton.
- majority of the filming occurred in Fitzwilliam Place, although
the filming "caravan"(for lack of a better term) did wind it's way
through the streets of Dublin for over two hours.
- Ali's appearance as the star in the video is a birthday gift
from Bono -- all proceeds from "The Sweetest Thing" will be donated to
her favorite charity, The Children of Chernobyl.
- U2 Manager Paul McGuinness makes an appearance being pulled along
in a rickshaw.
- Former boxing champion Steve Collins jumps onto the carriage and
towels down Bono.
- Male stripper group, The Celtic Knights, are pulled alongside the
carriage by a fire-truck.
- Final scene features classical musicians, elephants, trapeze artists,
and fire walkers.
- The video also features, Jean Butler, Riverdance, the Artane Boys
band(Larry started drumming with the Parade Boys Band), and kiddie-pop
group Boyzone who appear in the video to sing the harmony in the chorus.
-- Prarit....[email protected] U2 news: http://www.cableregina.com/users/u2news/u2.html
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