A Small Request About The Flame Wars

Matthew Berg ([email protected])
Sun, 20 Sep 1998 21:57:51 -0400 (EDT)

STOP THEM! I'm so sick or getting e-mail about why Marylin Manson is or
isn't evil. Who cares? This is a U2 list okay, not a manson-vs-U2 list
got it? If you wanna flame, by all means do so. JUST DON'T POST IT TO WIRE.
And I'm sure someone out there will flame me on my "grammar" or "if you
don't like it don't read it" or some crap like that. That's not the point.
I don't read them, but I do hate getting them because of one simple fact;
IT'S A U2 MAILING LIST! So please, let's put a stop to it,

                        expecting to get flammed,

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