Matthew Berg ([email protected])
Fri, 18 Sep 1998 09:05:43 -0400 (EDT)
>If any of you have seen this movie I hope u noticed the poster that im talkin
>about..The movie is about this girl who wants to be a writer/reporter ..but
>noone wants to hire her cause she's a she dresses up like a guy in
>highschool to write about how men can get those kinda jobs easier or
>at her house in her brothers room(which is filled with playboy centerfolds all
>over the wall..There is a big U2 Unforgettable fire poster!!!Its awesome and
>they show it alot! The movie is pretty funny too. Its showing on HBO this
>month so try to catch it!
>Also alot of people probably caught the U2 ACHTUNG BABY poster siting in mrs
>doubtfire in the girls bedroom!
>Also the movie I forgot the name now but its w/ Chevy chase and the boy from
>home improvement about indians or something..ANYWAYS on the kids door is the
>ACHTUNG BABY trabant car poster with the boys sitting inside(very cool)!
>Just wanted to share and ask if there are any other movies that have u2
>posters in them?
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