[email protected]
Thu, 17 Sep 1998 18:24:30 EDT
Whomever [email protected] is, they are NOT associated with the band, according
to Cecilia and Principle.
I guess that puts THAT rumor to rest! :)
Peace :), Love =), and Lemons :*,
Chuck Anderson
Zooropean U2 Magazine
Subj: Re: u2s shopping mall
Date: Thu, Sep 17, 1998 6:59 EDT
From: [email protected]
X-From: [email protected] (Propaganda)
To: [email protected]
>The message I sent you a few days ago was sent from the following address:
>[email protected]
>Could you tell me whom that is and what affiliation they have with you and
>Principle, please? Where are they, in America or somewhere else?
>Do they have authority to speak on behalf of Principle? If it is Jeremy
>then I have a complaint to lodge.
>Thank you for your replies and I apologize for mistaking you as the author of
>the message,
>Chuck Anderson
>Zooropean U2 magazine
[email protected] is not used by anyone we deal with or who is affilated with
the band!!!
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From: Propaganda <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: u2s shopping mall
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